Colour Play

a workshop with Alison Gomes

We are surrounded by colour everyday.

It’s everywhere we look, in everything we eat and everything we wear.

It would be truly hard to imagine a world without colour.

Yet, when it comes to using colour, it can be a mystery!

Why do some colours work so well together while others don’t?

And how do great colour combinations happen?

In this one-and-a-half-day workshop, we will explore exactly this… and how we can use colour to great effect in our felt-making.

We will create a range of samples, using fine merino wool, fine silk or cotton fabrics and any easily feltable bits n bobs you’ve already got. Think yarns, silk fibres, other fibres, silk hankies, old silk scarves, etc. Just bring it all!

The focus here will be on creating striking and unexpected colour combinations, in a fun, no-pressure, try-anything, wow-that-worked kind of day. All with a bit of colour theory thrown in for good measure.

By the end of the day, you will understand how to put together winning combinations.

On the second day, we will introduce the element of stitch into our samples. Stitching is an excellent way to add colour and texture to felt. You don’t need to be a pro with a needle and thread; even the most basic stitches can be very effective. Again, just bring along your stash of threads, yarns and all things threadable, with a variety of hand-sewing needles.

And get ready for a colourful adventure!

Participant Experience Level: Intermediate and above

About Alison

Ever since I discovered the ancient art of hand-felting, over 15 years ago, I haven’t been able to stop!  I particularly enjoy nuno-felting as it allows me to create layered designs and bring even more texture to my work.

Over the years I have honed my skills by participating in several technique-specific workshops with specialist felt artists, both from Australia and overseas.

I have complemented this learning with constant experimentation on my own.

My unabashed love for colour has made its way into my felt work and I relish putting together unusual or striking combinations that truly make each piece unique.  Bold, bright, dreamy, deep, mysterious, unforgettable colours… I love them all. 

Another element of my work is the detailed hand-sewing I do on several pieces.  Embellishing my work with hand-stitching adds another layer of texture and makes each piece that much more personal. 

I now run my own small online business called NativeNeedle, where I sell my individually hand-crafted scarves, wraps, jewellery and art pieces, all with a focus on colour and design. It makes me happy to think that something I enjoyed creating, will continue to brighten someone else’s day.

Bookings Now Open

This workshop is all day Saturday and until 1pm Sunday

For details of the Cancellation & Refund Policy click here

For all queries, please email the Feltwest Workshop Co-ordinator through our Contact page.

The event is finished.

Hourly Schedule

Colour Play

9:30am - 4:30pm
9:30am - 1:00pm


07 Oct 2023


9:30 am - 4:30 pm



Event type

Alexander Park Craft House


Alexander Park Craft House
Clyde Road, Menora, WA, 6050



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For details of the Cancellation & Refund Policy click here