Janice gave an overview of the simple pattern to make the cinderella jacket.
We each received a mini me piece of paper to replicate the cutting method for the jacket.
A DVD is available for purchase on the internet called “Truly Simple Garments” by Maris Herr – the DVD has several examples of patterns that you can make for felted garments.
Next came the array of beautiful pre (almost) felted fabrics produced by the participants (yes we all did our homework.)
Using our mini me pattern we cut into the material and then Janice showed us how to felt the seams so that it looked like the rest of the felt on the jacket.
Over lunch Janice explained all about the difference between Llamas and alpacas. Llamas are big like horses (not quite) and alpacas are small like sheep.
After lunch we finished our jackets and went home satisfied.
Janice is very inspiring and it was a great workshop.
Thanks Janice from us all.