Markets – 4. Your Current Inventory Downloads

Please download your inventory file – it is a Word documentCheck the code on your stock tagCheck the quantityPlease mark stock that has been sold elsewhere in redDo NOT alter the list orderSave and email back to Markets Co-ordinator – VimolDownload SueEslickDownload LizDownload JillDownload CyndaDownload SueMaderDownload sharnDownload JudithWDownload fleurDownload claireDownload SueEspieDownload MarionDownload JoDownload dinyDownload […]

To access this you must purchase Feltwest Membership or Membership Renewal.

Image downloads

KatrinaDownload AlisonDownload ClaireDownloadCyndaDownload DinyDownload FleurDownloadMichelleDownload NancyDownload PetaDownloadSharnDownload Sue EspieDownload ValerieDownloadJoDownload LizDownload VimolDownloadSue EslickDownload MaureenDownload KatDownloadSoosieDownload

To access this you must purchase Feltwest Membership or Membership Renewal.

WA Suppliers

The following businesses in Perth region sell wool and other fibres, fabrics and equipment suitable for felting(to avoid disappointment, check individual suppliers for opening times or ring for appointment)BILBY YARNS – Shop 2, 6 Harrison Street, Willagee, WA 6156.  Ph: 08 9332 8818 DYEWORKS –  129 Alma Road, North Perth, WA 6006. Ph: […]

To access this you must purchase Feltwest Membership or Membership Renewal.

Annual General Meeting

You must be a financial member of Feltwest to vote at the AGM. This is the only meeting we do NOT allow visitors to attend.As part of the proceedings for each AGM the minutes of the previous year’s are officially confirmed so they may be accessioned into the documentary archive. Here is a copy of […]

To access this you must purchase Feltwest Membership or Membership Renewal.

Library Borrowing – How to

Our Library system is called TinyCatg. The system is for you to browse through our items and if you like place a hold on them. Once placed on hold they will be ready for you to collect at Toss n Tell of Tuesday WIP Club. Or you can peruse the items at Craft House on […]

To access this you must purchase Feltwest Membership or Membership Renewal.

Library Borrowing

At Craft House we have a wonderful library of books and resources that members may borrow. Lending is for one month with a maximum of 2 items. These can include books, magazines, CD’s, patterns, a foot block, a hat block or a dressmaker’s dummy.   All items must be returned by the November Toss n […]

To access this you must purchase Feltwest Membership or Membership Renewal.

Planning Day Past Topics

Toss N Tell Topics Prior to 2021 Fixing Holes The Science of Wool Snakes & cords Balls and beads Ways to lay wool Adding embellishments – laying wool stage Needle felted angels Giant knitting with rovings Cobweb felt Make felt in a tray Needle felting around wadding Silk carrier rods Shrinkage Rates how to calculate […]

To access this you must purchase Feltwest Membership or Membership Renewal.