ON THE POINT OF A NEEDLE! with Katrina Virgona


Join Katrina Virgona at the WAFTA October meeting to hear about her journey with textiles over the last 20 years. Katrina works three dimensionally with a diverse range of materials including wool, wire, wood, fur and hair. Primary processes include wiring, binding, coiling, felting and stitching. Katrina’s work has been exhibited, published and collected locally, nationally and internationally. She will talk about how she came to be part of an annual European miniature textile exhibition that toured 4 galleries in Italy and France in 2017/2018. You too could apply to be part of this annual show. There’ll be a brief WAFTA AGM first, a kv slide show for about 30-40mins and then a light supper with tea/coffee after. If you have an interest in textiles of any sort, it’s a great opportunity to meet kindred spirits and sign up if you feel so inclined. For images of Katrina’s work, please see: www.katrinavirgona.com or Instagram: @katrinavirgona


Location: Alexander Park Craft House in Clyde Street, Menora

Date/Time: Tues 7pm Oct 16th

Members $5. Non-members $10 at the door. Free for insects!!

For more details & to RSVP please see WAFTA’s website: www.wafta.com.au/blog/wafta-annual-general-meeting-and-evening-talk