Hanky Panky with Nancy Ballesteros by Marion

Amazing colours greeted us as the silk shimmered on a table covered with scarves. Every scarf had a label with instructions on what silks were used, what length was required, how much wool was needed and other details how the scarves were felted. This gave felters great guidance for their own scarf making. Each scarf featured different materials from silks to lace and the all important silk hankies.

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After a warm welcome Nancy took us through a mind boggling journey of the many different applications of the silk hankies.  As each scarf was unique and there were countless ways to shape and apply the hankies and other materials. Nancy explained how to felt the scarves with simple easy to understand words and accompanied not only with samples, but demonstrations on how the silk hankies were best felted. All participants sat wrapped in awe, longing to follow in Nancy’s foot steps. Nancy brought what seemed her entire supply of hankies in all imaginable colours and offered to bring whatever wool was needed by the participants for the next day a great additional service.

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Saturday after a short recap all felter’s enthusiastically  went about designing their scarfs I felt that everyone had, by now, a very good understanding on how to apply the silk hankies. Nancy constantly visited each and everyone, gave advise and a helping hand were needed.

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Fabulous designs took shape over the course of the day. Everyone had a great time laying out and felting the scarfs and they were all rolled in the afternoon. To finish off Nancy showed us how to felt the scarfs using a glass washboard.  I felt it was a wonderful workshop which was very well prepared, instructions were easy to understand and follow we all enjoyed ourselves and learned a lot.

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