Report by Cynda Empsall
Peta Korb gave a Mini Demo on making Christmas decorations using wet and needle felting techniques in time for our fundraiser for Cystic Fibrosis in November.
Peta demonstrated:

- Wet Felting with Resist
- Stocking
- Baubles
- Needle Felting
- Snowman
- Santa
- Elves
Pointers from Peta
- Turn mistakes into design changes!
- The enzymes in saliva and milk will remove blood and red wine from fabric and wool.
- Wet Felting
- To make baubles, lay wool diagonally over resist.
- Once resist is removed, you can cut soft plastic into strips and stuff it into the form using a chop stick.

- Needle Felting
- No need to force the needle, do it gently in all aspects and angles
- Stab in and out on the same angle, gently.
- With making balls, tie a knot with wool to give firm base. Do several knots to bulk out and establish a firm base and larger size.
- Use darning needle to remove wool that’s not in the right place
- Blend colours, just like paint.
- You can use scissors to cut wool and to cut prefelt into shape.


- Soosie greeted everyone and detailed upcoming events in particular her Art of Adornment workshop on 5 -6 October.
- Martien spoke about her Expanding the Surface workshop on 2-3 November 2019.
- Martien talked about the Royal Show, thanking members for their contributions to the FeltWEST stand in the Centenary Pavilion and explaining display opportunities and obligations.
- Soosie discussed the website and suggested people send any interesting upcoming exhibitions or events to Cynda at cyndaje@yahoo.com or Liz at info@feltwest.org.au.
- Soosie made suggestions to members as to how they can assist at and after meetings – many hands make light work!
- Taking notes at Toss N Tell
- Sweeping up
- Taking rubbish out
- Dishes etc.
- Soosie mentioned the Christmas wind up would be at the November meeting. No meeting in December!
- Renita Mroz and Sue Espie showed vessels made at Pam Hovel’s Earthy Felted Vessels workshop.
- Liz Odd mentioned the Mundaring Arts Centre (MAC) Exhibition encouraging members to attend
- Katrina Virgona also recommended visiting the MAC exhibition. She showed seeds, pods she’d been making, and which are featured in the current edition of Felt magazine.
- Jill Jodrell talked about the Kings Park crocheted floral arrangements at the botanical gardens.
Renita Mroz Renita Mroz Renita Mroz