Feltwest is excited to announce that we will be having a Guild stall at this year’s Craft Show. This will be a great opportunity to showcase our members’ work, demonstrate feltmaking and encourage new people to learn the craft, and perhaps, join us as a Feltwest member.
Please help us to make this event a success by submitting work for the display, and volunteering for the roster to staff the stall and demonstrate felt making.
We are looking for a range of quality felt items that show the scope and diversity of what we can achieve in our felt making. Items are for display only and not for sale. Please label all items with your name and contact number and bring them along to our meeting on 21st July. They will be returned at the August meeting, or beforehand by arrangement.
We will be asking for volunteers for the roster at the meeting this Saturday (16th June). Volunteers will get free entry to the Show (approx $15).
More information will be provided closer to the date.
The Feltwest members working group organising our participation at this event comprises Jill Jodrell and Jan Stroud.