Helping us to help you

Volunteer Program

What help do we need?

We are always looking for members to help out at both our regular events and especially at external events of which we do at least 2 a year.  We try to attend all large Craft Shows and the Royal Show. Why?  It’s the best way to let people know about us!  This usually entails doing a morning or afternoon shift talking to people about our amazing craft.  It is a very enjoyable thing to do – not only do you get to talk to people about felting you will get to know your fellow volunteers better.

Besides helping at Craft Shows and external type events, simple things like helping to setup tables and chairs, washing dishes and cleaning the kitchen, helping to put things away, sweeping the hall, assisting the Librarian, and generally all the things we need to do at Craft House.

How can you sign up to help?

All of our regular events like Toss n Tell, Tuesdays and Workshops will have a sign-up sheet. Please put your name down for one of the jobs if you are attending that event.

For external events we will have special sign-up sheet under Special Events & Retreats in the Members Area.

What do Volunteers get?

Besides the satisfaction of helping fellow members and contributing to the group we have some rewards for regular volunteers.

  • Morning tea with training and orientation
  • Exclusive Feltwest tote bag to bring to all our events
  • Feltwest Volunteer Name Badge
  • Parking contribution of $15 for external events

Tutor Mentoring

Do you like to teach?

Feltwest also has a Tutor Mentoring Program.  One of the key elements of our Skill Extension Workshops is there are 2 tutors – one senior or lead tutor and second tutor who assists.  This second tutor can also be a trainee tutor being mentored.  This is a great way to become a tutor who can comfortably take the lead in a Skill Extension workshop and ultimately conduct their own workshops.

Why do we do this?

Feltwest is committed to the longevity of our craft for future generations.  Mentoring future tutors is one way we can achieve this. If you would like to join the program please complete and submit the form below:

Feltwest Website – Calendar of Events

Our website is crucial to the running of our organisation – it deals with all our booking processes and communications.  Please take the time to log in to your account (that you created when you became a member) and become familiar with each section of the menu. To log in please select the “Members Area” section and log in.

Our home page has our full calendar of all that is coming up, for example workshops, Toss n Tell, and any meetings. The calendar is made of events – it contains all the information relevant to that type of event.  For example:

Toss n Tell – you find details about the guest speaker, demo, activity etc including a detailed schedule.  It may also include things you need to bring.

Workshops  – besides the usual blurb and tutor bio, dates, times and costs, there will be a booking link and importantly the date and time that bookings open.

Special Events –  we may have special events like Exhibitions or Markets, again it will tell you the important details.

All of these events are mapped out the year before at our Planning Meeting in September

Discovery Days

Play Explore Learn

Discovery Days are days of informal tuition and activity held on both the first Tuesdays throughout the year. Each session has a tutorial about the skill or technique we are focusing on with all of the appropriate equipment and resources required. The rest of the session would then be about doing – putting those skills and knowledge into practice.

How does it work?

Discovery Days is like paying for a regular Feltwest workshop but if you miss a session it won’t matter as after each Discovery Day the relevant tutorial will be posted on the Feltwest website in a new online learning section. If you can’t attend any of the Discovery Days that doesn’t matter either! The online tutorials are included in the cost whether you come to Craft House or not.

Access to the online tutorials is not time limited – you will have full access to the course for as long as you are a current financial member. Even if you aren’t a member for a while and rejoin your access will be restored.

During 2024 we will be discovering polymer clay techniques to make your own buttons, toggles and beads. All of which can be utilised in, on or upon felt.

The day will comprise of knowledge sharing, technique instruction, and most importantly doing!

Starting March 2025

I recently had a wardrobe clean out. Not one of those gentle wafts through the hangers where two, maybe three items are released from their bonds. No, I mean a full dismantling of apparatus followed by ruthless culling. What I discovered is that I had 33 – yes 33 – pieces of wearable felt. Many I had completely forgotten about. A quandary ensued. We invest so much time and energy into making felt that it is very hard to part with it – even if you haven’t worn it for years.

What to do? I always think about recycle, redesign, reuse, reshape, or repair but I needed some design inspiration. Whenever I need design inspiration I usually turn to Japanese culture for advice. And, as usual it didn’t fail me.

Japanese culture as a very long history of recycling; ideas like Kintsugi and Boro. Kintsugi is the art of highlighting repairs of porcelain and china with bold gold, and similarly Boro is the continual patching and re-patching clothing but not hiding it, rather, embracing it. The repaired clothing was often over stitched for strength with beautiful patterns of running stitch – collectively called Sashiko. The idea was born – I am going to redesign my felt.

I then realised I had more than wearables to recycle – I had a stack of samples from workshops , UFOs from good intentions and disasters to learn from.  All waiting to be reborn.  Don’t have a stash of ready made felt?  Not a problem.  Make sample sizes and try out the plethora of felting techniques we know – maybe we’ll invent some new ones!

Throughout 2025 we will do just that: recycle, redesign, reuse, reshape, reinvent, or repair any felt we have in our stashes, along with our growing sample stash.  With some simply hand stitching we will construct a new wearable in the size of your choosing – from a scarf to a jacket you chose.