Please download your inventory file – it is a Word documentCheck the code on your stock tagCheck the quantityPlease mark stock that has been sold elsewhere in redDo NOT alter the list orderSave and email back to Markets Co-ordinator – VimolDownload SueEslickDownload LizDownload JillDownload CyndaDownload SueMaderDownload sharnDownload JudithWDownload fleurDownload claireDownload SueEspieDownload MarionDownload JoDownload dinyDownload […]
Category: Markets
Markets – 3. Inventory forms & media
Inventory Forms Advertising MediaFeltwestatPMM61122Download
Markets – 1. General Instructions
Feltwest has a stall at the extremely well attended Perth Makers Market at Heathcote in November each year. The Perth Makers Markets have a huge reputation for quality Western Australian handmade items that have been curated to provide a fantastic range. The Christmas Market is huge!We want to encourage every member to participate no matter […]
Markets – Pricing your work
PRICING YOUR WORKThis is a general guideline to help you work out what to charge for your work. Step 1 PRODUCTION COSTSMATERIALS + TIME = PRODUCTION COSTRoughly calculate the cost of the materials and the amount of time you spent creating it. A typical textiles hourly rate is between $16 and $20. 4 hours spent on […]
Markets – 2. Duties, Responsibilities & Roster
Thank you for joining one of the Market Teams. Here are the duties and responsibilities for each Team.Setup StallBe at Heathcote at 6:30am to setup the stall. There is a designated 15 minute window for us to unload everything from the vehicle, then move the vehicle to the stallholder car park. More details to come.Team […]