Skill Extension Program Roles, Responsibilities & Expectations

Policy & Procedure Title:Skill Extension Program Roles, Responsibilities & Expectations  
Date of Approval New PolicySeptember 2024
Subsequent revision or Edit Dates:    

Feltwest Committee

  • Facilitate planning meeting
  • Foster new tutors through eNews, Meetings, and approaches

Feltwest Admin

  • Prepare, distribute and maintain contracts for tutors
  • Administer payments for tutors
  • Prepare and publish workshop events, products, and email processes
  • Notify Co-ordinator of participant registrations
  • Notify Co-ordinator of survey results
  • Maintain SEP Master Documents
  • Facilitate expense reimbursements
  • Facilitate supplier payments
  • Maintain new tutor submissions


  • Plan and liaise with the Committee for yearly calendar – attend planning meeting
  • Review survey results
  • Develop and maintain list of tutors
  • Liaise with tutors
  • Foster new tutors
  • Develop skill workshops as required utilising skills and capabilities from tutors, committee and members
  • Assess and maintain required resources – wool packs, kits, equipment etc
  • Submit invoices from suppliers for payment
  • Submit Expense Reimbursement claims through Members Area – Expense Reimbursement

Lead Tutor

  • Prepare class room environment for participants
  • Report to Co-ordinator on low resource levels
  • Take lead in teaching workshop
  • Pack up and maintain equipment post workshop which may include taking items home to be washed
  • Return all equipment at next meeting or through liaison with Co-ordinator
  • When requested assist Co-ordinator of workshop development
  • When requested prepare kits for participants
  • Post workshop complete SEP Tutor Payment form through the Members Area of website

Assistant Tutor

  • Prepare class room environment for participants
  • Assist Lead tutor
  • Pack up and maintain equipment post workshop which may include taking items home to be washed
  • Return all equipment at next meeting or through liaison with Co-ordinator
  • When requested assist Co-ordinator of workshop development
  • When requested prepare kits for participants
  • Post workshop complete SEP Tutor Payment form through the Members Area of website

Skill Extension Program Policy

Policy & Procedure Title:Skill Extension Program
Date of Approval New PolicyLegacy developed over many years
Subsequent revision or Edit Dates:June 2016Sep 24  

Beginners workshops minimum number of participants is 4 or as determined by the Coordinator in consultation with President or Vice-President. If more than 6 participants, a second tutor can be engaged.  Maximum participants of 10.

Skill Extension workshops minimum number of 4 or as determined by Skills Extension Coordinator in consultation with President or Vice-President.  Maximum participants of 10 but may be 12 with Tutor consultation.

Workshop duration 3 hours.

Participant fee $50 all equipment supplied with wool packs for sale or $55 inclusive of materials kit.

Members wishing to be considered for tutoring Beginners Workshops must have submitted an EOI and be judged to have appropriate felting knowledge and teaching experience by the Skills Extension Coordinator.

Lead Tutor fee $200 and Assistant Tutor $150.

Skills Extension Coordinator to provide course outline to tutor.

Workshop Tutor Payment Policy

Policy & Procedure Title:Tutor Selection and Payment Policy  
Date of Approval New PolicyLegacy policy from many years
Subsequent revision or Edit Dates:19 July 2017Jan 2021June 2021 

Principles and objectives

  • Feltwest wishes to make available a varied range of workshops catering to different felting interests and skill levels.
  • We aim to expose members to skills/tutors not usually available in WA at least once a year, and preferably more often.
  • While recognising that some workshops will inevitably be expensive, we aim to ensure that price  (including the price of materials and kits) does not generally deter members from attending
  • We recognise that for many artists and craftspeople, sharing their skills can be in the nature of a hobby, done to enhance their own enjoyment. For those who work in the textile arts, giving workshops helps people promote themselves, their skills, and their goods and services.
  • We recognise also that an artist’s or craftsperson’s skills have real value and that their work-including teaching work-should be fairly remunerated. For those who work in the textile arts, workshops may form an important part of their income.

Tutor Selection.

We aim to provide a mix of skill levels and techniques, long and shorter workshops, and project or sample based workshops.

It would be desirable for the proposed tutor, or the person suggesting the tutor, to indicate;

  • Is the workshop for beginners, more advanced, very advanced?
  • What will be the outcomes of the workshop?  eg. samples, completed piece, assistance with participant’s own work
  • workshop duration
  • proposed fee and materials list or kit price
  • brief description of  subject  eg.  shoes, wall hanging, working with resists
  • here else in WA may the tutor be teaching this year?
  • is the tutor prepared to give a presentation if requested? Cost?

It is also important to attempt to obtain the views of members by eg. email survey, ongoing discussions at TnT and on Tuesdays.  Where members  mention a preference spontaneously, Committee members should ensure these are noted down.

In selecting tutors, the Committee will take account of feedback from members and others who are familiar with the tutor’s work or have attended their workshops, but will also remember that assessments of quality have a subjective element. Feltwest’s task is to help its members to learn, but not to set itself up as an arbiter of taste or skill.

Payment policy

  1. All workshops should be costed to break even at 10 participants.
  2. A base fee is $500/ day (9.30 to 4.30, with tutor arriving at 9 & tidying away at 4.30), to be amended as required ..
  3. Any tutor may request a fee in excess of the standard fee.
  4. In order to keep workshops affordable, only a limited number of tutors will be engaged at more than the standard fee. Additional nonstandard fee workshops may be scheduled at any time for good reason e.g. to take advantage of the visit to WA of a felt artist which was not known at the time the year’s programme was set.
  5. Any tutor may accept a larger number of participants, and a higher break-even number (eg 14 participants, 12 break-even), but the Committee will only accept such a proposal if satisfied that participants’ experience will not be adversely affected.
  6. Unless varied by the Committee, the cancellation date will be: for Perth based tutors,2 weeks prior to the first day of the workshop; for interstate tutors, 8 weeks prior; and for international tutors 12 weeks prior. To be reviewed further at recommencement of International travel.
  7. The Committee retains discretion not to cancel, for any good reason (e.g. where cancellation would adversely affect other textile groups who are sharing the cost of an out of state tutor)
  8. Where participant numbers have not been reached an offer to the tutor will be made to accept or decline the balance of receipts minus Feltwest’s expenses including but not limited to: room hire, administrative expenses and any other expense incurred by Feltwest.

Tutors Selling at Workshops

Whilst Feltwest recognises that selling product may be an intricate part of the tutor’s income stream any selling activities must be approved by the Feltwest committee prior to contract signing.  Any selling must be disclosed on the Workshops Submission and the scope allowed will be written into the Contract.  Selling is to be specifically to the workshop participants and is not allowed to be advertised to external persons.

Refund and Cancellation Policy

Refund and Cancellation Policy

Please read this policy carefully so that in the event you must cancel your place in any event you understand what you may or may not be entitled.  Although this may seem harsh Feltwest has fiscal responsibilities that must be considered.


Refunds for events, including but not limited to workshops, and event registration fees will only be given in accordance with this policy.

Registration Confirmation

Registrations will not be confirmed until full payment of the event registration fee is received. Any partial payment of the event registration fee is also subject to this policy.

Cancellations And/or Double Bookings By Registrant

  • Felt West cannot accept responsibility for changes to registrants’ personal circumstances that prevent attendance.
  • Felt West can not accept responsibility for registrants’ booking twice.
  • Registrants are not entitled to a refund, discount or ‘make-up’ event if they do not attend the event or leave early from the event.
  • All cancellations or booking errors by a registrant must be made in writing to   with a minimum of 14 days notice, prior to the commencement of the workshop or event.
  • All notices must include the registrants’ full name, original method of payment, and order number.

With 14 days prior notice

  • If all prior notices have been received Registrants may be eligible for a refund of the original event charge minus 10% admin costs.

Without 14 days prior notice

  • Registrants are not eligible for a refund.
  • Felt West may endeavour to fill the vacant place via these but not limited to methods:
  • Event Waiting list
  • Social media
  • The next scheduled Felt West eNews
  • If the position if filled and at the discretion of Felt West the registrant may be eligible for a refund of the original event charge minus 30% admin costs.

Cancellation by Felt West

Felt West reserves the right to alter or cancel, without prior notice, any of the arrangements relating directly or indirectly to an event. This includes the complete or partial cancellation of an event itself. Depending on the circumstances in each case, a partial refund may be given where at least one day of a multi-day event is cancelled. Where the entire event is cancelled registrants will be offered a full refund.

Felt West’s maximum liability is limited to a full refund of the event registration fee. Felt West accepts no additional liability for travel, accommodation or any other additional costs incurred. It is recommended that registrants ensure the appropriate contingencies and insurances are in place to mitigate against loss in these circumstances.

Wait List

When an event becomes sold out, Felt West may maintain a wait list at its sole discretion. Felt West reserves the right to not maintain a wait list for any event.

Event Collateral

Registrants who do not attend the event will be ineligible to receive event information, including but not limited to notes, workbooks and slides.


Felt West membership fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.

Method of Refund

Refunds will be provided using the original payment method.

Australian Consumer Law

You may also have a statutory right to a remedy under the Australian Consumer Law. The Australian Consumer Law contains consumer guarantees which provide consumers with a basic, guaranteed level of protection for goods and services that they acquire.

Changes to this Policy

This policy is subject to change without notice.