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Tuesday Felting 5th 10am - 3pm

Discovering Versatile Viscose with Sara Quail

Tuesday 5th March 10am - 1pm
Following on from her September demo showcasing a myriad of ways to use viscose, join Sara for a more in depth session about the use of this very versatile fibre. She will be happy to explain and guide you in detail through a variety of techniques. Sara will bring around 30 viscose samples that include: Marbling, making viscose paper, graphic designs, textured elements, cobweb and faux nuno.
SOLD OUT!!! Discovering Versatile Viscose with Sara Quail
This will be an informal and unstructured session based on the interest of the participants on the day. For making smallish samples, bring your normal felting kit as well as small carders or a dog brush if you have one. This is an opportunity to utilise your wool odds and ends, as minimal wool will be required. The techniques suit a variety of decorative fibres, so bring any viscose, other plant fibre or silk fibre you may have. Viscose packs will be available to purchase on the day.

Materials List:
  • Viscose
  • silk fibre
  • Wool
  • small carders or dog brushes
  • Plus your felting gear
Sara will have:

  • Viscose packs will be available to purchase on the day.

This is a booked session, but normal Tuesday Felting applies to all.

Kind regards

excuse the text changes I am still learning.

Contact Us

President Liz Owens - feltwest.president@gmail.com
Vice President Soosie Jobson - feltwest.vicepresident@gmail.com
Treasurer Claire Russell - feltwest.treasurer@gmail.com
Secretary Jo Ganon - feltwest.secretary@gmail.com
Workshop Co-ordinator Position Vacant feltwest.workshops@gmail.com
Skill Extension & Beginners Sue Eslick feltwest.eventscalendar@gmail.com

Detailed contacts list available here

Feel free to forward this eNews to any like minded people who might like the opportunity to meet felters, learn and share new skills and generally do all things felty.
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