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Hello reader

Morning Retreaters!

Just a quick note to keep you in the loop. Fiona is thrilled that we sold out the retreat in record time - 90% sold in 60 minutes, and now there's a waiting list! She is so looking forward to joining us.

Soosie Jobson, our Retreat Fairy Felt Mother, is going to be away until March 25th, once she is back a pile of info will come your way. But in the meantime some homework for you...

Don't worry its not a lot nor a chore!
Felting retreats are a great place to wear those things that your family and friends go...

Really?! You're wearing that?

You know the mad hats, the outrageous vests, wraps or jewellery, even name badges. So the challenge is, and you have plenty of time, to make, find, retrieve from the attic, where ever these things have been relegated to - including the corners of your mind - a fabulous hat, an outrageous name badge, maybe wings, a feather boa, a tiara or crown, maybe all of them - at the same time - what ever you heart desires.
There will be spot prizes, and a fabulous awards ceremony on the last night of feasting.

So get to it - let your imagination run wild.

Contact Us

President Liz Owens - feltwest.president@gmail.com
Vice President Soosie Jobson - feltwest.vicepresident@gmail.com
Treasurer Claire Russell - feltwest.treasurer@gmail.com
Secretary Jo Ganon - feltwest.secretary@gmail.com
Workshop Co-ordinator Position Vacant feltwest.workshops@gmail.com
Skill Extension & Beginners Sue Eslick feltwest.eventscalendar@gmail.com

Detailed contacts list available here

Feel free to forward this eNews to any like minded people who might like the opportunity to meet felters, learn and share new skills and generally do all things felty.
If you are not a member of Feltwest you are missing out on amazing workshops from experienced local, interstate and international tutors, and heaps of event opportunities like exhibitions and markets. Sound good? Join here:

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