October TnT by Mary Ann Dawson

Soosie gave us a short demo on different ways of making pockets using resists. Including how to make pockets on top of pockets. The key to using resists on resists is to do some felting or massaging of the wool between the resist layers otherwise the lower layers won’t felt. Also remember to take the resist out before completing the fulling process otherwise it will wear a hole through the felt trying to get out by itself!  Lindy  reminded us that we need to bring our goods to Novembers Toss n tell for the Fremantle Arts Bazaar and that all the information we need is on Feltwest’s web site, just go to the calendar and click on the event. There will be people at November’s Toss and Tell to advise on pricing.

The next Toss and Tell will also be the last opportunity this year to return borrowed items from the Library, so please ensure that all loans are returned by then. Chris is now our new Librarian so please ensure you return them to her and not just leave them on the table. We have amended the library rules and opening times, as we have a number of books that have not been returned and are concerned about this loss, hence the borrowing rules have been tightened.

The Ebb and Flow Project should be completed and hung for the November Toss and Tell.

Soosie tells us that the Web site has undone a radical change. The demise of the printed newsletter means it is now on Feltwest’s Web site in the Members Only section but you must log in to be able to access it along with all of the various reviews and articles written.

 So our Toss and Tell begins:

Pat shows us a table runner that she did at Liz Odd’s workshop. It is embellished with stitching which took her hours.

Judith showed us her wool and alpaca bath mat. She has made it from salvaged wool that had got wet from a leak in the roof in her shed and is in the process of adding stitches to strengthen it.

Soosie is continuing her “use up what I have theme”, she has made a small bag to hold her glasses when she goes out in the evening, using all scraps.


Dawn has made a scarf using a piece of felt left over from something else and she has decorated it with whatever she had on hand, It is a work in progress.

Chris showed us the many different luggage tags she has made for sale. Beautifully stitched and each one unique.

Sue had Linda model her black and white wrap. Sue wanted to retain the black and white zebra pattern, so after cutting the fabric across the pattern she nuno’d the edges into the white felt wrap.

Juliette has made some iPad cases to sell at the Craft House open day. She has been playing around with mesh fabrics which she says retains the colour better. She has filled them with a layered foam available from the Foam Shop in Myaree.

Denise, Daughter of Helen from Sal’s Wool Den, brought in the beautiful throw she has made using up her Mothers samples. Louise was also wearing a top that her mother had felted at Pam Hoggles workshop in Bunbury, she then sewed it together to make the top. Louise also brought in a lampshade she has made as well.

Beth hasn’t felted in three years but she is now back amongst us and showing us her work today. She made a rug in Liz Odd’s workshop using scraps, some beautiful necklace cords and a scarf using India Flynt’s techniques. The rug’s back was completely different to the front.

Jeanette made a skirt from an evening dress that she cut off under the bust. It is felted in strips and uses machine embroidery on top for a more decorative effect. The shrinkage rate was about a third.

Alison showed us the doll she has made for the Ebb and Flow Project. It has delightful little bows on her shoes and around her neck.

Sarah, a new member, made an iPhone case out of the felt from her beginners class.

Some lovely rugs were made in Liz Odd’s workshop, with advice from Nancy, sue and Liz.   We also saw a version of a care bear made for a friend that had cancer, and has been perfecting it to produce a very cute result. She is investigating the idea that FeltWest as a group might make some hearts to contribute to CWA Associations efforts in giving these hearts to patients in palliative care. Their families can keep them afterwards. She will keep us posted.

Sue has made a wonderful white vessel with black circles which have been stitched around the edge in white for contrast. She only used one layer of black and several of white to prevent the black overpowering the white.

Lindy showed us Donna’s and Nancy’s scarves made in Leiko’s workshop. She has a beautiful scarf she also made using Leiko’s’s technique. All of them are intricate, labour intensive and very beautiful.

Virginia did Leiko’s’s one day workshop and completed a sample using just merino wool. Leiko encouraged them to try a wool silk blend which adds a sheen. She also made a nuno sample in Leiko’s workshop. Virginia recommends using different colours to give a better effect. Another creation was a rug made in Liz’s workshop. It needs to be shaved to bring out the colour better as the colored layers needed to be thicker to reduce the backing colour coming through. She tried using a bright red piece of lawn between the backing and top colours but should have washed it first to reduce its water repellent properties. Always wash your fabrics first!

Boxes are needed for the raffles. We also would like people to return the boxes from previous raffles.

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