Toss N Tell – August
Toss n Tell is a structured day of events, demos, popup shops and felting opportunities including a get together chat about all things felting. There is also the opportunity to bring along your felt and share what you learnt, materials used, any issues or discoveries or ask for advice. And of course any news around Perth regarding exhibitions, events or even a great sale you know of! It is also a great occasion to bring along those special pieces made in a Feltwest workshop and share your experience.
9:30am – Doors open & Library is open for browsing
When you sign in at the Welcome Desk remember to fill out your raffle ticket to go into our 2 raffles per year – one at the AGM and one at the Christmas Party for a credit voucher to use for your membership or towards a workshop.
Special COVID-19 Rules. Please use the WASafe App and QR Code every time you come to Craft House. or use the paper register at the front counter and complete your details.
Please write your name in the Attendance Book and put $2 into money box towards tea, coffee, milk, biscuits and venue hire and take a raffle ticket, which puts you in the drawer for FeltWEST credit voucher. Don’t forget to sign out when you leave.
PS Turn your phone off or to silent!
9:00am Setup for Trash & Treasure
9:30 Doors Open – rummaging commences and library open for perusal
10:45 Library borrowings open
11:15 Library closed
11:30 AGM & Raffle Draw
August Event – AGM
Feltwest’s Annual General Meeting is on 21st August 2021 along with our traditional Trash & Treasure and Raffle draw. We welcome you to sell any textile or craft related items but please no commercial traders. There is a limit of 1 table per person.
All members are encouraged to attend and to contribute to the business of the Association.
Your vote is important but please note that only financial members are eligible. Renew your Membership under the Members section in the menu.
An important item will be the election of the new Committee of Management for the forthcoming year. Members are encouraged to nominate themselves or any other member (with their agreement and signature) using the appropriate nomination form.
For those not able to attend, there is an Appointment of Proxy form which will allows you to authorise another member to vote on your behalf at the meeting.
All online forms are located on the Annual General Meeting page under Members on the website, along with a downloaded and printable form.
- Online forms must be completed by Close of Business 20th August
- Printed forms must be delivered by Close of Business 20th August to the address listed on the AGM page OR
- Handed to the Chairperson or Secretary before the commencement of the AGM.
Full details of the proceedings, last years minutes, online forms and printable forms are all available on the Annual General Meeting page under Members in the menu.
AGM Agenda
Opening of Meeting and Welcome
Attendances and Proxies
Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meeting
Business arising from previous minutes
Disclosure of any conflicts of interest
Treasurer’s Report
Presidents Report
Handover to Convenor
Declaration of Positions Vacant
Election of Office Bearers and other members of the Management Committee
Welcome new Committee
Any Other Business
Close of meeting