November Toss n Tell – Christmas Party & Market Delivery Day
As the year comes to end it’s time for a party! Bring a plate to share and let’s celebrate another year of felting. Come and hear about what’s happening in 2022 . We will have updates on our Exhibition Marks Over Time, all the popups, demos, workshops, and events we have planned.
It is also Market Delivery Day for the Heathcote Perth Makers Market.
9:30am – Doors open
When you sign in at the Welcome Desk remember to fill out your raffle ticket to go into our 2 raffles per year – one at the AGM and one at the Christmas Party for a credit voucher to use for your membership or towards a workshop.
Special COVID-19 Rules. Please use the WASafe App and QR Code every time you come to Craft House. or use the paper register at the front counter and complete your details.
Please write your name in the Attendance Book and put $2 into money box towards tea, coffee, milk, biscuits and venue hire and take a raffle ticket, which puts you in the drawer for FeltWEST credit voucher. Don’t forget to sign out when you leave.
PS Turn your phone off or to silent!
9:45am – Toss n Tell
11:00am – Marks Over Time Sessions Catch up
11:15am – Christmas Brunch & Raffle Draw