Taking The Mystery Out Of Felt Garments with Kaye Louwen
a workshop with Kaye Louwen
In this workshop you will learn how to make a simple nuno-felted tunic top that fits you perfectly. Commencing with a basic pattern in one of 3 sizes (40% shrinkage allowed) you will be shown how to make adjustments for your particular body shape, and also for different necklines and hemlines. On silk chiffon we will use a quick layout method and all seams will be felted.

Kaye Louwen
I have always loved making things and have done a lot of dressmaking in years gone by. I am a retired Maths teacher, so am not afraid of calculating shrinkages and helping others to understand this process. I have been felting for around 14 years now and have attended many workshops with local and International feltmakers.
After attending a number of jacket and dress workshops I have come up with my own patterns and methods.
I have run many beginner felting workshops, both privately and for FIGS (Felters In the Great Southern), of which I was a member during my 9 years in Mt Barker. I hosted a 3 day advanced workshop in Mt Barker to make a nuno-felted sleeveless coat with a shawl collar.
I have participated in a number of group exhibitions and a solo one in 2018 at the Riverfront Gallery in Denmark WA. This was featured in the Australian Felt Magazine.
I have won prizes for my felted creations in the Plantagenet Art Prize. Feltmaking gives me much joy and I love to share my skills with others and meet with other creative people

Kaye will have the following products available at the workshop:
- Kits for garment – optional but recommended details in materials list
- Wool
- Silk
- Embellishments
A materials fee of $nil is payable to tutor unless you purchase product on the day.
Estimated materials list $70-80
A pattern for the garment is included in the workshop price – Kaye will be contacting you prior to the workshop to arrange delivery of the pattern and to discuss pre workshop preparation. Kaye can also provide you with silk and/or wool plus embellishments in your colour choice. Please email Kaye for more details, to order, and arrange payment.
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