April is one of those weird 5 weekend months when TnT seems so early and so long before our next meeting! We had a fantastic meeting - it was wonderful hearing all about Elizabeth Marruffo's gorgeous needle felt work and indeed the work that her and her partner do at their Milktooth studio inspiring children through art.
Elizabeth is retelling the Wind in the Willows story using her mother's Mexican culture, creating beautiful needle felted characters and scenes that become pages in a children's book. My favourite little characters are the Mariachi Fleas - they even had Mariachi hats! So cute. Elizabeth doesn't create faces in wool - she uses pins to approximate where the eyes should go then creates the appropriate expressions in a computer drawing program before becoming pages in her book.
Members also shared some fabulous work - we had Shibori samples, favourite wearables, frogs and ladybirds, wall art, and some lovely examples from the Clasps, Loops & Rails extension workshop. Images further down.
The beginners needle felting was sold out so jump in quick and book the Fantasy Fairy Garden workshops. This workshop will take you to the next level of skills full details further down. There are also 2 Beginners and 4 Extension workshops now open for bookings. Scroll down for more info.
Enjoy and see you soon!
VALE Lorraine
On a sad note we have lost one of our pioneer felters in Australia - Lorraine McArthur. She was a lovely person who was always so kind and generous with her knowledge and readily shared her skills with others. As quick to laugh as she was to share many of us at Feltwest owe our love of felting to Lorraine.
Craft House Open Day this Sunday April 30th
Craft House is throwing open the doors with demonstrations and displays of the amazing work from groups who call Craft House home. Being the home of the premiere Craft Guilds in WA, you will be able to watch demonstrations, and talk to experts in their fields. See the work of award winning crafters who are recognised around the world for their skill and artistry.
Interesting array of critters! - Beginners Needle Felting
Fantasy Fairy Garden
In this 2 part workshop participants will be able to make their own fantastical flying fairy and magical home for them. Learning construction and armature skills along the way.
DAY 1 June 3rd
From wisps of wool a fairy will emerge like magic. Using basic armature wrapping skills the residents of your fantasy garden will begin. Fairies can be as simple or as fantastical as they want to be. And of course all fairies need a home – and we will start their magical mushroom mansion. We will learn how to use wet felting in combination with needle felting to produce spectacular mushroom caps that can be embellished in many ways.
Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither are fairy homes so we will start on Day 1 with plenty of time before Day 2 for you to get Rome in order. By the end of Day 1 participants will have an understanding of what good needle felt looks and importantly feels like with sound basic shapes. We will also discuss the embellishments that can be be added to your fairy home when we resume the workshop.
Students will need to work on these between day 1 and 2.
DAY 2 August 5th
All the work that you put into your fairy mushroom base parts will pay off and you will be able to put your parts together. We will develop the mushroom whilst learning how to add the decorative gills using multiple options.
Then your creative side can flourish. Doors, windows, and garden planters with flowers can be added to your fairy’s home – even a chimney if you want. Maybe some smoke too!
Bringing items from home that you think your fairy’s house would want.
Beginners - Wet Felting May 20th Book now
Beginners - Wet Felting Sept 16th Book now
Participants will make a sample piece of quality felt.
FeltWEST beginner’s classes aim to teach the basics of the wet felting technique with merino wool, and how these can be adapted to make differing forms.
Skill Extension Workshops Bookings Open Now
Skills Extension - Craters
Felted craters can be so much fun, they can be hollow, or erupting with felt or other textiles and give a fabulous deep and earthy texture to felt wall hangings or sculptures. Join us to make a felt sample with a variety of filled and hollow craters. This workshop will give participants the skills to make a larger piece using these new techniques.
Skill Extension - Nuno Frills & Roses
Come and join us for a hands-on session learning how to ‘frill up’ the surface design of your felt by including delicate silk roses or frills. These can give a wonderfully sumptuous finish to felt scarves, clothes, hats and bags. Participants will make a felt sample with both roses and frills and discuss how to scale them up for bigger projects.
Skill Extension - Fine laying for Nuno Wearables
Explore the options for creating fine drapeable wearables using fine laying techniques. The main reason wearables have no flow or lightness is due to too much wool. But don't I need those 2 thick layers? The simple answer is No! Come along and learn how it is done.
Skill Extension - Felting Around Objects
It is fun to felt around a rock or other object, but there are a few simple tips that you need to know to ensure that the wool is able to shrink properly to form tight, firm felt. Join us for a fun session learning how to lay wool around an object eg, a balloon or ball, creating sufficient space for the felt to shrink around the object to create a well felted piece. Holes can be formed in the felt to expose the object within. One sample piece will be made felting around a rock. This session will give you the skills needed to encase objects in felt to create jewellery, paper weights or other objects.
Contact Us
President Liz Owens - feltwest.president@gmail.com
Vice President Soosie Jobson - feltwest.vicepresident@gmail.com
Treasurer Claire Russell - feltwest.treasurer@gmail.com
Secretary Jo Ganon - feltwest.secretary@gmail.com
Workshop Co-ordinator Cynda Empsall feltwest.workshops@gmail.com
Skill Extension & Beginners Sue Eslick feltwest.eventscalendar@gmail.com
Feel free to forward this eNews to any like minded people who might like the opportunity to meet felters, learn and share new skills and generally do all things felty.
If you are not a member of Feltwest you are missing out on amazing workshops from experienced local, interstate and international tutors, and heaps of event opportunities like exhibitions and markets. Sound good? Join here: