Toss n Tell this month is a very special one.
Feltwest is very pleased to announce an Artist Talk by Elizabeth Marruffo Needle Felting Artist
All welcome - members and non members $2 at the door
Elizabeth is going to tell us all about her graphic novel project using needle felted creatures and characters to create the story.
"I am using needle felting to sculpt all the characters in my retelling of the Wind in the Willows story. I am also using recycled materials and polymer clay for other props. I am sculpting around 30 poseable anthropomorphic figures, arranging scenes and then taking photos of them. I then alter these photos digitally on my ipad using a program called Clip Studio. Finally I arrange the photos in a sequential way to create comic pages and add speech bubbles and text . The final book will be around 250-300 pages and I hope to be finished in around 2 years."
Elizabeth currently lives and works in Perth, Western Australia. She is also the director of Milktooth Arts Space, where she develops and runs children art classes and adults art workshops. She is a sessional lecturer in painting at Edith Cowan University, has been a finalist in numerous national painting awards including The Portia Geach Memorial Prize and is represented in various collections.
2022 Marks Over Time Exhibition
Toss N Tell Sharing this Month
Bring along your favourite wearable felt or anything you have made - we love seeing your work and hearing about your process. It doesn't have to have been made recently just be willing to share.
10:00am Doors & Library open
10:30am Toss n Tell Bring along some felt to share
11:30am Talk by Elizabeth Marruffo
12:30am Bring your felting gear and work on those projects
We have a range of books about Needle Felting with several news ones added in the last few weeks.
Did you know we have a sewing mannequin for borrowing? Come check it out this month.
Theme 2023 - Dogs
Each year the RAS have a theme right across all events and competitions and this year's is Dogs.
We all love dogs and felt ones are so cute - put your thinking caps on and come up with your pupster in felt!
Royal Show 2023
The Creative Arts & Cookery Competition schedule will be published soon. We are trying to boost the number of entries for felting as it is a brilliant opportunity to showcase felting to a huge section of Western Australia. To this end Feltwest is sponsoring several of the Classes (categories) - we spoke about the Novice Class a couple of eNews ago but we are also sponsoring the Best Exhibit in Felting Prize: Feltwest membership & $100 voucher for Workshop (total value $145) – Sponsor Feltwest. This is awarded from all of the entries in all of the felting classes - its a great prize so get thinking!
Here is a synopsis of the classes for 2023
Any felting created by someone with less than 2 years’ experience.
Wearables including Accessories
Considerations – Construction, Edges, Shape, Wearability, Drape
Items - Coats, vests, tops, skirts, scarves, wraps, hats, bags, jewellery, slippers or shoes
Any wet felted, or needle felted, or combination of both, and mixed media but felt must be the dominant feature. Considerations - Uniqueness, inventiveness, embellishment, shape and style.
Including but not limited to: Vessels & Sculptures, teapots, animals, Creatures, toys, fantasy items.
Décor including Homewares & Wall Art
Considerations – Durability for purpose, Ease of hanging
Including - rugs, cushions, table runners, soft furnishings, wall hangings 2D or 3D, wool paintings, framed felt art
Best Exhibit in Felting - Chosen from all of the above classes
Craft House Open Day April 30th
Craft House is throwing open the doors with demonstrations and displays of the amazing work from groups who call Craft House home. Being the home of the premiere Craft Guilds in WA, you will be able to watch demonstrations, and talk to experts in their fields. See the work of award winning crafters who are recognised around the world for their skill and artistry.
Feltwest will be participating in this event.
Become a member of one of the groups to start your craft journey. The Craft groups that call Craft House home run regular meetings, workshops, exhibitions, and events all aimed at the sharing, learning and doing of craft through artistic, design, and skill development, through mentored innovation.
Workshops Bookings Open Now
Skill Extension - Needle Felting Beginners
This session will teach the basics of needle felting and how it can be used to make a 3D figure such as an animal or doll, or to add designs onto a prefelt prior to wet felting. We will introduce the equipment in the needle felter’s tool kit and how to use it. Samples made in this session will include …
Beginners Workshop May 20th
Workshop Bookings Open Soon
Fantasy Fairy Garden - Bookings Open this Saturday April 15th
a workshop with Claire Russell In this 2 part workshop participants will be able to make their own fantastical flying fairy and magical home for them. Learning construction and armature skills along the way. DAY 1 June 3rd From wisps of wool a fairy will emerge like magic. Using basic armature wrapping skills the residents of your fantasy garden will …
Meditation Beads with Nancy Ballesteros - Bookings Open May 20th
a workshop with Nancy Ballesteros There is something especially wonderful about concentrating on one small intimate object at a time. Slowly recognizing the path you will take to release its beauty, to create something really unique. Each bead has this potential to be seduced out by the slow methodical meditation of creation. Hand stitching felted fabrics cultivates our creative spirit. …
Discovery Days Update
The hall was jumpin' on the first Tuesday. Great to see so many felters doing so many different things. Full house for Clasps, Loops & Rails, full pot of Shibori and a variety of projects on the go! We are so lucky to have such an amazing bunch of people in Feltwest.
Magical Slippers Cast a Spell
The small group of 6 were eager to get started early to try and condense the 2 day workshop into one. A mother and daughter, an inexperienced felter, a person who cycled from Forestfield and one who drove up from Bridgetown amongst the participants.
Sharn's expertise and her hands on approach kept everyone on the ball. Lots of layers of wool and lots of soap. Remember soap is your friend!!
Always with slippers, the tough part is getting those shoe lasts into them.
Results were some vastly different magical slippers. All completed in one day with Sharn generously giving a copy of her slipper booklet to all participants so they didn't have to take notes and can continue to make more for friends and family.
Contact Us
President Liz Owens - feltwest.president@gmail.com
Vice President Soosie Jobson - feltwest.vicepresident@gmail.com
Treasurer Claire Russell - feltwest.treasurer@gmail.com
Secretary Jo Ganon - feltwest.secretary@gmail.com
Workshop Co-ordinator Cynda Empsall feltwest.workshops@gmail.com
Skill Extension & Beginners Sue Eslick feltwest.eventscalendar@gmail.com
Feel free to forward this eNews to any like minded people who might like the opportunity to meet felters, learn and share new skills and generally do all things felty.
If you are not a member of Feltwest you are missing out on amazing workshops from experienced local, interstate and international tutors, and heaps of event opportunities like exhibitions and markets. Sound good? Join here: