Annual General Meeting 19th August 2023
You must be a financial member of Feltwest to vote at the AGM. This is the only meeting we do NOT allow visitors to attend.
As part of the proceedings for each AGM the minutes of the previous year are officially confirmed so they may be accessioned into the documentary archive.
All Committee positions become vacant at the AGM. Financial members are asked to elect members to the Committee of Management in the following positions; President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and not less than two other committee members. Members can nominate themselves or any other financial member who agrees to be nominated by completing the appropriate Nomination Form.
The new Associations Incorporation Act 2015 disqualifies certain persons from nominating as members of an Association’s Management Committee. Therefore by signing the nomination form, a nominee accepts the nomination and indicates that they are eligible to act as a member of the Committee of Management if elected. The following persons are disqualified:
1. An undischarged bankrupt or person whose affairs are under insolvency laws 2. A person who has been convicted, within or outside of WA, of: i. An indictable offence in relation to the promotion, formation or management of a body corporate; or ii. An offence involving fraud or dishonesty punishable by imprisonment for a period of not less than 3 months and where that person’s conviction or, if sentenced to a term of imprisonment, that person’s release from custody is 5 years ago or less; or iii. An offence under section 127 The Associations Incorporation Act 2015, which is committed when an Association becomes or is insolvent when a debt is incurred by that Association, and immediately before the debt is incurred there are reasonable grounds to expect the Association is or will thereby become insolvent.
Nomination of Other Members
This can only be done with the written consent of the nominated member as evidenced by their signature. To that end this process can only be done with a printed form. Please download this form and complete the appropriate section. All completed forms must be received by the close of business the day before the AGM.
If you are unable to attend the meeting and wish to vote, please complete the Appointment of Proxy form authorising an attending member to vote on your behalf. You may appoint the Chairperson or any other financial member as your proxy but you need to advise that person of your intention to make the appointment. If you wish to provide any directions to the attending member on how to vote on your behalf at the meeting, you should also do that when you contact that member before the AGM.
Contact Us
President Liz Owens - feltwest.president@gmail.com
Vice President Soosie Jobson - feltwest.vicepresident@gmail.com
Treasurer Claire Russell - feltwest.treasurer@gmail.com
Secretary Jo Ganon - feltwest.secretary@gmail.com
Workshop Co-ordinator Cynda Empsall feltwest.workshops@gmail.com
Skill Extension & Beginners Sue Eslick feltwest.eventscalendar@gmail.com
Feel free to forward this eNews to any like minded people who might like the opportunity to meet felters, learn and share new skills and generally do all things felty.
If you are not a member of Feltwest you are missing out on amazing workshops from experienced local, interstate and international tutors, and heaps of event opportunities like exhibitions and markets. Sound good? Join here: