This Saturday...
...is all about scarves.
This Toss n Tell bring along your favourite scarf - or more than one if you can't chose :). Let's explore the multitude of ways to wear them, why they wear that way, and the implications for felting. We especially want to see the beautiful scarves made during Nancy's Hanky Panky workshop - they look amazing in the images - scroll down to see.
There will also be a Marks Over Time session to discuss the Artists Statements that are required for each Exhibition piece and the general Artist Bio. We will also be covering how to add the Gallery Central's commission to the sale price of your work.
Our planning meeting for 2023 is approaching fast and we would love to hear what tutors, projects, skills, demos or techniques you would like to see for both workshops and Toss n Tell. We also try to have a charity event each year and welcome any contacts or ideas that we can get involved in - like the amazing Uthando Doll Project we participated in last year. You can simply reply to this email to let us know your ideas - we welcome your input.
See you Saturday bring your scarves.
PS As of writing this eNews there is only 1 place left for Kat Weka's Natural Dyeing workshop.
New members
We would like to welcome our new members and hope to see you at one of our events.
Canberra Felters are having a fashion parade this weekend. We know its a tad far for a weekend trip :) but you may have friends and family who would enjoy seeing this beautiful and inspiring felt fashion.
Rapt In Felt: Fashion Parade. Wearable art, presented by Canberra Region Feltmakers (CRF). Featuring hand-felted statement-piece garments collaboratively created by CRF members. Burns Club & Kambah Scout Hall, Kett Street, Kambah, ACT. Saturday 18 June, 1.30pm and 3.30pm. Shop opens 10am – 4.30pm. For information about the online auction and to book tickets go to canfelt.org.au.
Still time to book in for the Beginners Workshop - this Saturday in the studio 1pm - 4pm.
Exploring Natural Dyes on Silk with Kat Weka
In this 1.5 day workshop we will explore obtaining colour from plant material and natural dye extracts. This is a hands on workshop with lots of opportunity to experiment. You will learn how to prepare silk for dyeing. How to obtain beautiful colours from ordinary food items in your kitchen. Basic techniques and safety procedures of natural dyeing will be covered …
Skill Extension - Solid & Hollow Cords
Join us to explore how to make solid and hollow felt cords, including getting good shrinkage, and some of the fun things that you can do with them including jewellery, puppets and lunar landscapes!
July 5th - 3 Hour Session only $50 - Excellent tutor to participant ratio - absolute bargain!
by Fleur Riley
Nancy gave a very interesting talk about how the silk hankies were made and I’m sure the ladies went away with a different point of view about the silk worm.
Many methods were demonstrated by Nancy on how to use this very versatile little piece of silk. They also learned the trick (to stop them sticky to every part of your hand) was to iron them.
Many different variations of scarves and wraps were achieved over the 2 day workshop. Some completely covered their silk with hankies whilst others chose to leave some silk exposed, giving a totally different result.
September Toss and Tell 2016
by Marion Finneran
Helen, a new member, attended the beginners workshop today run by Alison Gomes and Sue Eslick. She showed us the samples she had enjoyed making.
Liz also attended Martien van Zuilen’s mandala workshop where she made her floormat/wallrug with a shield design in her mandala, evocative of the shields used by many African tribes.
Vera showed us her delightful fairy houses that can be used as night lights
Alison displayed her scarves with their beautiful colour combinations, stitching and original designs.
Katrina is presently working on a fetish piece and enquired whether anyone had animal/horse hair or human hair to contribute to her project.
SEPT. TOSS N TELL/AGM 2016 by Marion Finneran - After the AGM, we gathered round to watch the video which Soosie has made of the exhibition. Thanks Soosie, it looks wonderful. Congratulations to Katrina for winning the raffle prize. She has never won one before so she was thrilled!
Toss and Tell this month showed some beautiful felting made by our members
Christine showed us her beautiful wrap of wool and silk that she made using shades of reds and cerise that combined interesting patterns and textures.
Sue Eslick told us about her vessels using a variety of fibres from Merino to Bergschaf. She also explained her method of first making a bag which was dyed afterwards.
Kerry attended a fun and functional vessel workshop with Pauline Franklyn where she made a “vessel” that she converted into a handbag.
When she attended Martien van Zuilen’s mandala workshop she made a beautiful floormat/wallrug in shades of green. She described the many layers, much rolling and stitching, cords, tones and texture, making it a very unique item.
Soosie showed her scarf that she made for the exhibition “Myths and Legends” on the theme of the Mexican festival: Day of the Dead. She also displayed a very innovative fishy fantasy hat made years ago that transforms into a mask by folding down the front.
Feel free to forward this eNews to any like minded people who might like the opportunity to meet felters, learn and share new skills and generally do all things felty.
If you are not a member of Feltwest you are missing out on amazing workshops from experienced local, interstate and international tutors, and heaps of event opportunities like exhibitions and markets. Sound good? Join here: