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Hello reader
Morning ladies
Please note all emails to: feltwest.markets@gmail.com

You are receiving this as you have participated in the Perth Makers Markets previously and therefore you get priority notice. We have streamlined our procedures which means if you have submitted stock before you don't need to re-submit it electronically as it it remains in our Square system. Your items still need to be checked off on delivery day for quantity but that is all. Please submit any new inventory in the usual manner.

Can't remember what you submitted? Not a problem on the new Members Area page there is a whole section devoted to the markets. The new process is documented there, with a page where you can download a Word document containing what our system says you have submitted previously. If it says zero in the quantity it has sold.

Otherwise all of the other criteria remain.

We are looking for one more person to help on the day, everyone else no longer needs to volunteer for the stall, but you do need to pick up your unsold items at Heathcote at 3:30pm and help generally with the pack down.

As before we ask you to attach small items - like jewellery - to the hessian strips either prior to delivery or on the day. This makes for easy, clear display and setup.

We have 2 delivery days - Saturday October 15th & Tuesday November 1st. If you can't make either please talk to us we can arrange something. We chose the November date after consultation with many other stall holders who all said November was far far busier than the one that is so close to Christmas.

Please do NOT reply to this email for questions regarding the Markets please email the Market Co-ordinator's email at the top of this eNews.

That's all for now.


Remember to log in first!

Markets - 1. General Instructions

Read more

Markets - 2. Duties, Responsibilities & Roster

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Markets - 3. Inventory forms & media

Read more

Markets - 4. Your Current Inventory Downloads

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Markets - Pricing your work

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Perth Makers Market Stall Entry Fee


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Perth Makers Market Stall Entry Fee

Contact Us

President Liz Owens - feltwest.president@gmail.com
Vice President Soosie Jobson - feltwest.vicepresident@gmail.com
Treasurer Claire Russell - feltwest.treasurer@gmail.com
Secretary Jo Ganon - feltwest.secretary@gmail.com
Workshop Co-ordinator Cynda Empsall feltwest.workshops@gmail.com
Skill Extension & Beginners Sue Eslick feltwest.eventscalendar@gmail.com

Detailed contacts list available here

Feel free to forward this eNews to any like minded people who might like the opportunity to meet felters, learn and share new skills and generally do all things felty.
If you are not a member of Feltwest you are missing out on amazing workshops from experienced local, interstate and international tutors, and heaps of event opportunities like exhibitions and markets. Sound good? Join here:

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