- Merino wool tops for the hat (approx 100gms) in one colour or colours that tone well
- 0.25 metre silk tissue, or other fabric for surface design
- Tape measure, pencil and paper for drawing your design and head size
- Sharp scissors for paper and fabric
- Waterproof marker
- Strong cotton cloth approx 1m X 0.5m in size (eg linen tea towel)
- Hat block if you have one, otherwise lots of plastic to scrunch up and shape your hat around
- Normal felt-making kit:
- Small plastic drop sheet
- Bubble wrap or grip mat approx 1.4m X 0.6m in size
- Pole approx 5 cm diameter, minimum 0.6m in length
- Soap or Earth Choice washing up liquid
- Small plastic bag and rubber gloves
- Small container for water – a 1 litre ice cream container is ideal
- Old curtain netting – approx. 1 metre
- A leg of old pantihose
- Bucket for water
- Sponge
- Towels
- Wash board or paint roller tray if you have one
- Table leg raisers if you have them