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Hello reader

Welcome to 2020

We hope you all had a great summer break and are ready to jump back into Feltwest life. We have an amazing array of events programmed this year, including our regular monthly meetings, workshops and a visiting tutors program. Plus we are pleased to announce the development of an Extension Skills Program, a series of short concentrated skills workshops designed to extend your felting skills after the all important beginners workshop. For more info and all the dates click on one of these buttons.
On the note of Visiting Tutors we have the fabulous Anita Larkin teaching her amazing Design Ideas for Felt workshop April 3rd to 5th - book quickly as last time we were lucky enough to host Anita her workshop had a waiting list a mile long. Bookings are open now. Don't delay.

Design Ideas for Felt with Anita Larkin

WORKSHOP DESCRIPTION This is a really exciting one with a very different approach to design! The course looks at depth into the design process for making a felt item, functional or otherwise.  Students will use music, doodling, and collage as design tools to create ideas for innovative felt projects. Explore collage with paper, with resists and also during the actual …
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Design Ideas for Felt with Anita Larkin
On other news our web site has been off at a spa and health retreat and has returned with a beautiful new look and some much need mechanical repairs. She has had some structural changes so please nose around the menus and check it out. Each of our programs has its own page with relevant dates listed but to see all current events in one spot check out Calendar in the menu.

There are also 4 new videos under Exhibitions in the menu covering the 4 major exhibitions we have had over the past 12 years.

As always if you wish to book a workshop please ensure you log in first, then chose Members under Bookings in the menu.

Our first Toss n Tell is just around the corner and we will have the lovely Sue Eslick demonstrating Tubes - making and attaching. Bring along your felting gear and have a go. Speaking of Sue she is running her Fantasy Hat or Tea Cosy workshops March 7th - 8th great value at only $120 for the 2 days. Full info below.

That's it for now. See you at Toss n Tell.
Soosie Jobson

Vale Val Gilmore

We received some sad news just before Christmas that one of our Life members has passed away. Val was instrumental in setting up a felting group in Bunbury and helping Feltwest evolve int the amazing organisation we have today. There is an article here with more of the story.

Whilst Val hadn't attended many meetings in the last few years she is remembered fondly by those who knew her and as felters we all owe her our thanks.

GILMOUR (Valerie): Passed away peacefully at SJOG Hospital Bunbury on 24.9.2019. Dearly beloved wife of Jim (dec). Loved mother of Ian and Jean, mother-in-law of Rosie and Craig.

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toss n tell

Toss n Tell 15th February 2020

This month's Demo is Tubes – Making and attaching with Sue Eslick Felt tubes (or hollow cords) can be used in various ways – to make jewellery, or to add wild and crazy attachments to hats, bags or cushions. They can be left hollow, or can be filled. Join us at the February Toss and Tell to learn how to …
Toss n Tell 15th February 2020

One place remaining!!! Hurray!!!

Woylie - 3D Needle felting with wire armature with Peta Korb

This workshop is designed to introduce students to 3D needle felting using wire armatures. Focus will be on creating a Woylie, a Western Australian native animal. Peta will introduce students to the basic tools and techniques to set them on their needle felting journey. Throughout the workshop, students will learn a range of techniques including wrapping, shaping, felting and sculpting …
Woylie - 3D Needle felting with wire armature with Peta Korb

Fantasy Hat or Tea Cosy with Sue Eslick

Fantasy Hat or Tea Cosy with Sue Eslick
In this two-day class we will create a unique fantasy hat or tea cosy with complex design elements. Individual pattern templates will be drawn using each participant’s head/ tea pot measurements, and shrinkage factors will be discussed to create a resist. We will felt around the resist to make a hollow form as the basis for our hat or cosy. The application of additional design elements …

Only 2 places left....

Beginners Workshop - 15th February

FeltWEST beginner’s classes aim to teach the basics of the wet felting technique with merino wool, and how these can be adapted to make differing forms. At the conclusion of the workshop, the participants will: Understand the qualities of ‘good felt’Understand the difference between a pre-felt, and fully felted pieceUnderstand how and why wool felts, and factors affecting different shrinkage …
Beginners Workshop - 15th February

Skill Extension Program - Three dimensional felt

Skill Extension Program - Three dimensional felt
Join Jean and Sue to learn how to felt around a resist. A ‘resist’ is simply a physical barrier that keeps layers of wool apart and stops them felting to each other, and is the main way (though not the only way) to create a three-dimensional shape in felt. In this session you will learn how to felt around a …

Extension Skills Program - Nuno Felt

Nuno is a technique that incorporates fabric as well as wool, generally creating a soft, draping fabric, however, it can be firm, very textural and tactile. Both results can be used in any creation to make a light flowing garment, or used to make embellishments such as cuffs or collars, or a highly textured sculptural piece. We will bring along …
Extension Skills Program - Nuno Felt
Feel free to forward this eNews to any like minded people who might like the opportunity to meet felters, learn and share new skills and generally do all things felty.
If you are not a member of Feltwest you are missing out on amazing workshops from experienced local, interstate and international tutors, and heaps of event opportunities like exhibitions and markets. Sound good? Join here:
